When we think about computer security, it can be sometimes be a daunting prospect. With the inter-connectivity of all our modern computer devices, wireless peripherals and networks, it can be overwhelming when you think of all the ways ‘something’ can gain access to your PC. Continue reading “Computer Security”
Windows Downgrade
I know we’ve all heard ad-nauseum about Windows upgrades. Microsoft has been harassing the public non-stop about switching to Windows 10 (and even lost a lawsuit over their practices). But, what if you want to downgrade Windows?
Snowed In! Now What?
We may not be as prepared for the snow here in the South as other areas; as we’ve seen in the past few days, memories are vivid of the Snowpocalypse from a few years back that shut down Atlanta for two days. Businesses all over Huntsville have been closed this week, schools cancelled class, and people all over Madison County left their jammies on to enjoy being homebound. With such a great opportunity for some guilt-free computer time, all of a sudden – the worst happens and your computer crashes. What do you do? Continue reading “Snowed In! Now What?”
Plenty of Fiber
Huntsville has always been a city known for leading in technology, and our internet service is no exception. Huntsville Utilities has invested in fiber internet service with coverage across much of the city at large.
Happy New Year!
We here at Travel Tech hope you finished out 2017 with a bang, and it wasn’t your power supply going out. We got some cool new technology we’re excited about playing around with for Christmas, how about you?
To Clone or Not to Clone?
The answer is: it depends. Just like with most things computer-related, there’s not a great absolute answer. In this article, I will explore the pros and cons of cloning versus manually moving software and documents.
WiFi Extender Troubleshooting
Most home internet service providers are now offering modem boxes with built-in WiFi, some even including multiple bands. With the signal emanating in a sphere from the device, if positioned right your entire house can be easily covered. However, most often these they’re not. Continue reading “WiFi Extender Troubleshooting”
‘Tis the Christmas Shopping Season
In one day, the Christmas Season will be upon us! Between Christmas and Black Friday, the next month will be the time that the majority of Americans either purchase new outright or upgrade our computers, tablets, smartphones, printers, and other technology. What, in our opinion, is worth upgrading and what is worth waiting out?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Travel Tech has been traveling quite a bit this week visiting out-of-town family and generally having a great time. We (mostly) avoided Black Friday craziness, but will be at the computer bright and early for great Cyber Monday deals on November 27th. It’s a great opportunity to pick up some early Christmas presents or upgrade some of your technology while prices are slashed. Also, very low risk of being trampled from your living room. Consider this our endorsement!
There’s a Bug in the System
Have you ever heard the term ‘computer bug’? I think we all have. But, have you ever stopped to think of where that term came from and what it means for the operation and maintenance of our expensive machines? Continue reading “There’s a Bug in the System”