We may not be as prepared for the snow here in the South as other areas; as we’ve seen in the past few days, memories are vivid of the Snowpocalypse from a few years back that shut down Atlanta for two days. Businesses all over Huntsville have been closed this week, schools cancelled class, and people all over Madison County left their jammies on to enjoy being homebound. With such a great opportunity for some guilt-free computer time, all of a sudden – the worst happens and your computer crashes. What do you do?
You have options! At Travel Tech, if we can’t physically get to your location, we can still help. With remote connection services, we can help fix many issues that can arise unexpectedly:
Slow Computer
This is a common problem; we can easily diagnose and correct issues going on with slow computer performance, including analyzing running processes and making sure there’s nothing that’s bogging your system down.
Install Software
Whether from a CD or off the internet, we can help facilitate software installation to make sure it doesn’t impede the normal operation of your computer.
Computer Cleanup
We can help remove old files, programs, and streamline your system for maximum performance.
Other issues? We can remotely diagnose problems and have solutions as soon as the roads clear and your system is accessible.