How AI is Revolutionizing the World of Cybersecurity

artificial intelligence + Cybersecurity

It’s no surprise that in today’s digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changing tool for various industries. In our world of cybersecurity, AI-powered systems are essential in detecting and mitigating risks as cyber threats continue to grow more sophisticated. The advantages of AI really break down into two key factors, speed, and capacity, both of which are crucial in any data-based industry.

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Introducing Kaseya 365 and The Future of Travel Tech.

Kaseya 365 Logo

As of June 2024, most of you should have received notice of our integration of the Kaseya 365 platform into our Managed Services. As our business grows, we want to uphold our commitment to providing you with the best services and resources possible. This evolution of our business requires us to have the best tools in-house and the best people to wield those tools.

Continue reading “Introducing Kaseya 365 and The Future of Travel Tech.”

5 New Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Be Very Prepared For This Year

5 New Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Be Very Prepared For This Year

The year of 2023 marked a significant turning point for cyber-attacks with the introduction and wide proliferation of AI (artificial intelligence), now in the hands of people who wish to do you harm and who are actively using it to find faster and easier ways to rob you, extort you or simply burn your business to the ground. Continue reading “5 New Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Be Very Prepared For This Year”

Objects that can Lead to Identity Theft

A child’s toy seems innocuous enough, and you probably don’t even think about it leading to identity theft. This actually happens all the time! But what about your trash can sitting outside? Could it be a treasure trove for an identity thief trolling the neighborhood at night?

Many everyday objects can and often do lead to identity theft. They often get overlooked because people tend to focus on their traditional digital security – computers and cloud accounts. It’s important to have strong passwords and use antivirus on your PC of course, but you also need to be wary of other attack vectors that hackers and thieves can utilize to get to your personal data.

Here are six common things that criminals can use to steal your information. Continue reading “Objects that can Lead to Identity Theft”

Does Your CEO Actually Want a Gift Card?

Your phone vibrates. A text, from your CEO. Your head of the company is asking for your help. Of course, they’re out doing customer visits and someone else dropped the ball in providing gift cards. The CEO needs you to run and acquire six $200 gift cards and text them the card information right away – this situation pops up for clients of managed service providers all too often.

Continue reading “Does Your CEO Actually Want a Gift Card?”